We have started out with the God's Design for Life series and are going through The World of Plants right now. Each lesson is set up in two sections, a "Beginner Section" and a regular lesson. The "Beginner Section" is recommended for use with 1st and 2nd graders and contains a brief overview of the topic of the lesson (generally 3-4 paragraphs) with some vocabulary words, as well as review questions at the end to test your child's reading comprehension. There is also a recommended activity to correlate with each lesson that can be done with this age group.
The regular lesson, recommended for grades 3-8, is much more detailed and includes more review questions to test your child's knowledge, as well as a "Challenge Section" recommended for 6th-8th graders. The "Challenge Section" varies by lesson, but always includes more relevant, detailed information for the lesson and often has a suggested activity to help reinforce what was learned that lesson.
"Special Features" are also scattered throughout the book. These focus on related topics such as specific plants or historical people of interest in relation to plant life. These are enjoyable to read and I have generally included them in the lesson along with the "Beginner Section" for my kindergartner.
We have greatly enjoyed this series so far and are looking forward to working through the other series available as well. In addition to the God's Design for Life series, Answers in Genesis has also published God's Design for Heaven and Earth, both of which are recommended for grades 1-8. There are two more series recommended for grades 3-8, God's Design for the Physical World and God's Design for Chemistry and Ecology. All of these books are presented from a young-earth perspective and affirm the Genesis account of creation. They are of a sound Biblical worldview! The books are available here:
The World of Animals (God's Design for Life)
The Human Body (God's Design for Life)
The World of Plants (God's Design for Life)
I wholeheartedly recommend these products for your home-school and for use across multiple grades. What about you? Do you have any products to recommend that you have used for multiple ages in your own home-school Do you have tips on things that have worked well for you while home-schooling multiple ages? Leave us a comment or a link to your own blog post on that subject!
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